{ Big Days O Nothin’ }

by Lee on October 2, 2006

When we are camping, for some reason we are all very tired at the end of every day, despite the fact we don’t actually DO a great deal. We all sigh, sitting around the fire and say “Another Big Day O Nothin’ “. LOL

I always come back feeling so refreshed, happy and feeling lucky that we get to spend this special time with our families and close friends. We were pretty lucky with the weather although we did have one particularly windy day, other than that it was great. We had extra friends come over on the Saturday to spend GF day with us and we had our traditional hotdogs for lunch and then “The Big Roast” for dinner. “The Big Roast” is big, usually 3-4 peices of meat and copious amounts of yummy vegies. Suzy even managed to bake a cake for Bronte and Mandy who have birthdays today and tomorrow, it was very yummy, especially since it was baked at the last minute! And finally ended with marshmellows around the fire. Of course, as tradition dictates, we had perfect weather on Sunday we packed up LOL. oh well, better than rain. We unpacked in record time and were completely sorted by 6pm, we are getting good at the end bit! I didn’t take many pics but did get one or two good ones, which I’ll post soon.

After such a relaxing time, work was a big shock today, very very busy and just non stop, I didn’t get half as much done as I wanted too, but enjoyed it anyway. Especially when I got told we are getting a big reward soon! Yippeee, the dates are yet to be announced but I am hoping like mad I can make it! Fingers crossed.

Also it was Bronte’s birthday today, my baby turned 7! Oh even when she is 57 she will always be my baby! She got a little mini stereo for her birthday which she loved and then after school all her cousins came over for cake and a play, while all the adults chatted. Just lovely! I did take some pics of the blowing out the candles, but they are still on the camera and I’m too tired to get them off, so I’ll do it in the next day or two.

Lastly, I came back to the news that another two of our MAC girls met! Judy was in New Zealand visiting family and caught up with our resident Photography Guru, Karen. They had a lovely time and Judy commented that “it was like meeting a family member rather than just a friend!” How lovely. It’s not long until our get together and I can hardly wait to meet these great ladies. Sadly not all of us will be there this time, but we will all be together in spirit, and those not there won’t be forgotten.

Lastly I thought I would do my first “Imagination Prompt”

The question that came up was “What did we do before the internet”

My answer is “I have no idea!” LOL

Have a great night everyone!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }


Jude 10.02.06 at 9:43 pm

Lee – we are of course family. Who else would you feel so comfortable with but another whacky Macdigi girl. Sounds like you had a lovely time camping and “sucking the marrow”. Life is too short not to savour these wonderful moments.


fazzbech 10.02.06 at 11:45 pm

Happy Birthday Bronte! Sounds like you all had a fab, relaxing time camping, which is great!

Hmmm, imagination prompts…is this going to be a new regular feature?! ;o) Can’t wait! LOL


Angela 10.03.06 at 6:54 am

What DID we do before the Internet?!? I have no idea either 😉
First off HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY BRONTE!! I’m already dreading Feb when Julieanne turns 6 :(… 7 is just getting too old lol.
I’m glad that you had a mellow camping session Lee, even though the best day was Sunday lol. Ugh, unpacking… I find the worst of it all… can’t wait to see the photos!! they must be stunning, if even you think they are good!!
Can’t wait till Nov either.. only a few more sleeps ;).


shezann 10.03.06 at 7:13 am

Sounds like a wonderful 2 weeks you had on leave, you were so lucky with the camping weather, glad you had a ball, sounds like there are some good cooks on this trip !
Happy birthday Bronte, a big 7 ! Look forward to seeing the photos:)
The world without the ‘internet’, hard to remember back !!!


Lis 10.03.06 at 11:47 am

I agree with Judy…the Mac girls are definately family!

Happy birthday to Bronte.


MiYon 10.06.06 at 12:40 am

Happy birthday to Bronte! I know what you mean, it won’t matter how old the ‘baby’ is, she’ll always be the baby! 🙂

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