These are layouts that were all done for our MAC digi girls using their photo’s. I have revamped and changed them to suit my own pics and here they are…..
Oh and the bottom one is a new one :)
Been busy around the house this week while we are both off work together. While I have missed camping it has been lovely being able to spend some time at home. We have managed to do a bit, and spend some time with the girls playing their new favourite game, Chess. Quinn has already beaten me, so I will have to work on my strategy I think!
Went and saw Happy Feet with the girls on Thursday, which was good (not fantastic IMHO), managed to pick out all the light fittings for the house, now we have a 4-6 week wait for an electrician, which I hate! Can’t stand waiting for stuff when I am all set to go LOL.
Which brings me to my next thing. I read a great article by Ali Edwards about a tradition she started for herself, where she chooses a word for herself at the beginning of the year and tries to incorporate it into her every day life. I thought this was a great idea. Her word for 2006 was Play and this year it is Peace. I have decided on the word RELAX for me for 2007.
I can be quite regimented in regards to time (I hate being late) and definitely like things done a certain way. If we are running late for school or other social events I am a RAVING nut, yelling and carrying on etc etc LOL. If I make a mistake at home or at work I am very very hard on myself and tend to get very angry, even though any one else would and does think my error is minor I can’t help but get very disappointed. I intend to try and RELAX more and try and accept situations for what they are. If there is no real importance in what’s happened, I will TRY not to let it bother me so much!
I also have a tendency to be very very strict with my girls, whilst they are shown an immeasurable amount of love, I can be quite hard on them and expect a lot. I think I need to acknowledge that they are great kids now and I can RELAX a little on the every day stuff. I am constantly told by family, friends, teachers etc how well behaved they are and well mannered etc etc, so I guess O need to start giving them a little more leway. I WILL RELAX. So I guess that is my New Years resolution in part. We’ll see how it goes….
I have resolved to try not to web surf anymore, I keep finding things I really really want and can’t have LOL! This is the latest! Oh well…hope the increase in my hours comes soon! LOL Also lusting after Foto Fusion and several books too! Including all the quote books the lovely Angela has. The list is never ending! I will resolve to be happy with all the wonderful things I actually have, including and most importantly my family and friends.
Have a great day! :)
Oh you should be able to click on the layouts for a larger view.
All papers and backgrounds made by me. Also used brushes from Anna Aspnes and Denise Docherty.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
fazzbech 01.07.07 at 8:52 pm
What a great idea to revamp the layouts you did, they look brilliant! I just commented on them all at PBP, LOL
You sound like a pretty relaxed kind of person to me, but I do hope you manage to do what you want to do in terms of your resolution. It’s a good idea to come up with a word, I quite like that!
Great news about the light fittings, I hope that sparky comes along real soon!
Angela 01.08.07 at 9:24 am
Love all the layouts Lee… and loved them all the first time too ;)..
We saw Happy Feet a few weeks ago, and have to agree that it really doesn’t live up to all the hipe around it.. well that was our opinion anyway… still a nice movie, and the graphics were superb… but still… lol.
Glad you are getting things done on the home front too… I’m sure that that house of yours is looking more like a display house eveyday… the photos I’ve seen look fantastic!
Oh, and I can’t wait till you get that book too, so you can tell me whether I should get it! Looks good though..
Anyway, I hope that you have a good week at work.. and RELAX!!! 😉
Lis 01.08.07 at 9:39 am
You already know I love the layouts! I love Ali’s ezine, she has lots of wonderful ideas there and at her blog! Have you checked out Donna Downey’s blog??? It’s great, I also get he ezine…very clever girls!
I don’t think you are too hard on your girls, I think you have the perfect balance and it shows, they are fabulous girls and very respectful of you and other people…a credit to wonderful parenting by you both!
miyon 01.09.07 at 6:28 pm
Wow, those are amazing layouts… love what you did with the brushes!
As moms, we tend to beat ourselves up about everything. I bet you’re an awesome mom and reading Lis’s praise, I can believe it’s true. 🙂
I haven’t heard too many raving reviews for Happy Feet. Guess I will wait to see it on DVD!
jane 01.11.07 at 12:03 pm
Happy Holidays to you Lee! Thanks for stopping to wish me well on my blog!!
I think your word for the year is wonderful! I can relate to alot of the reasons for why you made that your choice. I just mite make a similar resolution!! And i too have shopping syndrom, lol! angela has been making me eye up that fotofusion too! I soooo love those layouts!! you are a wonderful photographer i have to say!! what a talent!!