{ Over The Moon }

by Lee on April 25, 2008

About an email I received last night (it wasn’t saying that Mr Weuna Bweligthigi was offering to give me half of $20,000,000 US dollars if I helped him get the money out of his country)….

Can you guess why? Jen A already has! I had a lot of fun doing this but it was a lot more work involved than I had anticipated, lots of toing and froing and emails, but now I see it, it was all worth it, and given the chance I’d be in again in a flash!

EDITED TO ADD: A huge thank you to Kristarella, after reading her instructions PROPERLY, I solved the header problem… thanks so much Kristarella, you’re a gem, and I won’t bother you any more LOL

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }


Jen_A 04.25.08 at 11:07 am

Congrats, Lee!! It looks GREAT! I was SO excited when I saw it…you would have thought it was mine 😉


Lee 04.25.08 at 11:12 am

Thanks Jen, I was surpirised that you did too, in fact I would be surprised if most people did!
Even though I have known for 4 months, it was still a buzz to see it in all it’s glory… well you know what I mean! LOL
Thanks again 🙂


kristarella 04.25.08 at 5:52 pm

Haha, you’re welcome. Looks good!


fazzbech 04.26.08 at 7:49 pm

Huge congrats! I wanna see!


Gill 04.26.08 at 10:57 pm

I believe i know!!! Have emailed you! LOL. WTG you!!!


Angela 04.27.08 at 5:36 pm

WELL!!!!! All I can say is that I’m VERY disappointed that you didn’t share this with us earlier Miss L!! I’m pretty bummed too that my subscription ended with the last issue so I don’t even know what it looks like :(…
Oh, congrats I suppose…… ;P


sherryll 04.30.08 at 12:53 pm

I’m off to sub again, I can’t wait to see Bronte on the cover, I’m so rapt for you and so deserved, congrats.

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