Save, save and then save again. I was working on a Speed Scrap (Quick Page) last night to give away on my blog, I was sooo happy with what I had, it was essentially done, I had so much fun playing and experimenting, trying different techniques, but I had to make one last teency weency change, move that frame 2 pixels to the left and
Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Not Happy Jan! Hadn’t even saved it once. Couldn’t remember what I had done as there was so much playing and changing. So I started all over….Anyway, it’s too late to upload the freebie tonight, but I’ll do it in the next day or two….here’s a screen shot.
As promised here is the site I mentioned on my last post, check it out, he really has some great cartoons on there, I spent a long time reading them, here’s another I liked.
Check out

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BBSP! I so hate it when that happens.. although haven’t had PS crash for a while now (LR was giving me issues yesterday though..), and I’ve been pretty good actually remembering to save sometimes through… lol, I generally never did until I was done!
Anyway, the quick page looks stunning, LOVE the colour :).
Oh and thanks for the cartoon link, some funny stuff… like the one here lol…
Stink on PS crashing, love what you have recreated though, very pretty 🙂
love the screenie…i too hate so much when progs crash…i swear its a filter that some guy put in just to annoy us all!
i hear ya girlfriend, what a bummer on the crash, very funny cartoon piece too !
I live in mortal fear of losing work. Whenever an application crashes and takes data with it, I get this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. My mind races as I try to recreate the creation experience as quickly as possible. But inevitably, I end up with something different – and I finish the job a lot later.
I wish I could be more diligent in the saving department. Sigh…