Well it’s been one of those days,
no weeks,
actually months,
well, really, several months…
I’ve lost my mojo!
I can’t remember the last time I did a layout. I usually struggle getting layouts done while I am teaching, but I’m not at the moment, so that can’t be the reason… I usually figure that these things can’t be forced, if I patiently wait, my mojo usually returns, but it hasn’t so far. I am thinking I may need to try a few things to get it back.
I don’t usually look at digiscrapping galleries, so I may have to trawl around and check some out.
I don’t usually use kits either, I make almost everything myself, with the exception of most brushes, so maybe I need to do some shopping (good excuse! LOL).
Maybe I need to get some new photos to scrap… it’s winter here and I don’t seem to get the camera out as much as I’d like.
Maybe I need to leave Photoshop alone. I use it every day, making stuff (to give away here, usually), experimenting with photos and trying out new techniques that will be useful to my students. Maybe I should have a complete break and see if that helps, I am easily distracted at the moment. I open a picture to use in a layout and then get sidetracked, making a brush, or choosing the ‘perfect’ font, thinking of a catchy title, deciding on colours, then nothing gets done because I sweat the small stuff….
Any suggestions? What do you do when you lose your mojo?
Also wanted to thank everyone that took the time to leave a comment and thank me for the freebie last week. It’s nice to finally get to know a little about the lovely people that drop by here. Everyone should have a link to the comment freebie by now, but if you have missed out, just let me know. The comments will keep me motivated to continue doing my Photoshop Tips and of course more freebies. I will also be giving away random comment prizes… you just never know if your comment will be the one that wins!
Faux Photoshop Tip
For my Photoshop tip today, I am going to post some links to articles I have written for AussieScrapbooking.com. Several people that commented on the last post are new to Digital Scrapbooking, so hopefully these article will help some of the newbies out there.
What is Digital Scrapbooking? The Basics
What is Digital Scrapbooking? The Basics (Part 2)
What is Digital Scrapbooking? The Basics (Part 3)
Adjusting Photos/Layouts For The Web/Email
Crazy For Clipping
I also have a freebie to upload, but my trial version of Smart FTP ran out so I don’t have any way of uploading. Can anyone out there recommend an FTP client that is easy to use and cheap, or better yet free? Let me know :-)
Lastly, I received my copy of Digital Scrapbooking Magazine. In it appears the layout below. I love this photo of Bronte, I never thought they would use it the magazine as it is so plain and simple, but really who could resist those big beautiful brown eyes. I know I can’t! Word Art is by Anna Aspnes. No-one does word art better…. The photo was taken by me in her bedroom, against her freshly painted pink wall (colour chosen by Bronte). It made a lovely back drop.
Below is a set of three pictures that I framed and gave to my boss for his birthday of his three children. They did look great printed and I think he was pretty happy with them, all 3 of them have the most beautiful blue eyes. They are all gorgeous.

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
Oh my your mojo is gone? 🙁 I wish i had an ounce of your mojo Lee!! I love the layout of Bronte..and man i couldn’t believe it again when i saw it in the magazine! WTG you!! They will be doing entire Lee issues soon! LOL. I normally take a break when i am feeling un inspired!! Couple of days – weeks off and then something normally slaps me back into gear! Good Luck finding yours….hopefully before winter is gone! *hugs*
Hi There is an online FTP that I use when I am at school.
Your mojo is alive and well, look at all the beautiful things that you have created. You just need some inspiration, when this happens to me I hit different artists’ sites.
Regards Sandra
what beautiful photos of the 3 gorgeous little boys, I know your boss would love them.
love the layout of Bronte, congrats on being published again, you deserve it.
i’m doubting if your mojo ever left, LOL, but I await those fantastic layouts very soon:)
I think I can identify with the loss of mojo and the tendency to get distracted. Even though I am not a designer (don’t have a CLUE as to how to do what you do!) I find myself going days/weeks without doing a layout. I find other things to do like downloading or purchasing new kits, surfing digiscrap blogs, checking out tuts – but not scrapping! I used to save inspirational layouts that I found on other blogs to a folder on my computer, but that got to be tedious. I WILL recommend one gallery – and I do not know this person but I found her layouts to be standouts – and that is flergs’ gallery. I find myself returning to her gallery many times for inspiration. Sending hugs and thanks for your wonderful work!
Don’t talk to me about mojo! Mine has gone to Paris I think 😉 love all the work you have here, especially that lo of bronte… Btw posting from my new toy ;P
LOL – you haven’t lost your mojo you have just misplaced it. I do something else creative when I lose interest in scrapping… thats all you need to do and you will find it all coming back and don’t sweat the small stuff. A really good way to get the mojo going is to visit some poetry or art sites and then you will be full of ideas. Love the photos you completed for your boss by the way they are lovely. And as far as ftp goes – well I used to always use Yummy but recently I have found Transmit to be just wonderful and soooo easy to use so have converted.
Luuurve the layout, gorgeous!
No idea how to help find your mojo, think it might be hiding out with mine 🙂
Love the layout of Bronte, the pp on that one is lovely, and the photos of the 3 boys are wonderful bet your boss loved them 🙂
i use Filezilla .. It’s free and more or less frequent updated by the developers .. U can grab your free copy here:
I am SO far behind on reading blogs lately (got addicted to Facebook and have been spending free moments on there – lol)!
Oh the missing mojo! I am having a similar problem. In fact, I haven’t created a single scrapbook page since December. I am getting ready to take a step back from scrapbooking for awhile (yep even leaving TSG) and hopefully it will come back soon. I have books I need to start on for Christmas presents!
I was SO excited when I saw sweet Bronte in DSM again 🙂 I love the simplicity of the layout – it lets you completely focus on the gorgeous picture you took of her. I was thinking the other day when I painted Drew’s bedroom walls a BRIGHT blue that he insisted on having, that it would make a great backdrop for a photo. 🙂
Lastly (so sorry to ramble), I LOVE the photos of your boss’s children. WOW those eyes are captivating!
Jen_As last blog post..Kid Funnies – 1
Oh and I forgot – I use Leech FTP and I believe my hubby said it was a free program when he loaded it on my computer. Pretty simple to use I think 🙂
Jen_As last blog post..Kid Funnies – 1
CuteFTP Home version is def on the top of my list, which runs somewhere between 50-80 bucks (been a while since i purchsed the pro version, so i don’t really remember). If you wanna go free, CoreFTP will do the job =)
mikes last blog post..mfgmk: LMAO!!! http://tech.yahoo.com/blogs/patterson/40926 … RIP Zune.