I’m back…

by Lee on November 27, 2011

OK, I hope I can maintain this, I really want to start blogging again, in hopes that it will inspire me to do more layouts and also to try and document my new direction in life since I started my Advanced Diploma Of Graphic Design….no I did design this blog (with the help of Thesis), but I am sooo out of practice with all the controls, I truly have forgotten what I am doing, so bare with me…

Anyway, I did a layout today…I have been playing with my beautiful new Nikon D7000 and also my new Lensbaby, which I am loving experimenting with, hopefully it will not only inspire me to take more pictures, but also inspire me to create more layouts! I miss being creative on a daily basis and really want to get back into that mindset again…when I started teaching Photoshop and Digital Scrapbooking it really did stifle my love of both, but since I stopped teaching I haven’t got back into it, and I think it’s time…nuff said….

So I rarely used kits when I used to Scrapbook, but I still, inexplicably, purchase them from time to time, this layout uses Paislee Press and Taylor made elements from my stash….

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }


angela 11.27.11 at 9:05 pm

Yep… seriously time again.. and the LO is oh so beautiful… just like the subject :).


Jen 11.28.11 at 7:20 am

Doesn’t look like you’ve forgotten much at all Lee. Looks great.

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