About Me

My name is Lee Scott, I am a Mum to two beautiful girls, Quinn and Bronte, wife to Brian, assistant to my boss, a teacher to my students, and an amateur photographer to umm anything I photograph (LOL). I live in country Victoria, Australia, in a fairly large regional centre.

Well, I’ve finally taken the plunge and now have my own web site!

Why? you may ask.

Well mostly because I can upload files for my students to download, for the class that I teach, but also because I wanted to see if I was up to building a site! And so far so good, although it has been a very steep learning curve and I had forgotten so much from a web design course I did about 8 years ago, also I am doing it with different software, but the good news is, I’m getting there.

I also want to be able to upload my layouts and photos for family and friends to see.

What are layouts? Well I’m glad you asked. I create digital scrapbook pages, and I also teach a class on how to create them. They are basically the same as traditional scrapbook pages, but are made entirely digitally, usually using software such as Adobe Photoshop (my software of choice). If you’d like to see what i am talking about check out the link in the side bar { My Gallery }, which is where I have uploaded my layouts at Pickleberry Pop (also in my links), hopefully I’ll have a gallery on my website soon, but until them you can check out my layouts there.

I have made many great friends both online and meeting students through this wonderful creative outlet, so I hope you enjoy finding out exactly what they are.

I have never considered myself at all creative, but have finally found something I can stick too, something I haven’t gotten bored with, and something I can keep striving to improve, and something that doesn’t take up much room in my house too!

Anyway, any constructive feedback on the site is very welcome, I intend to keep expanding on it, so while it s basic at the moment it will, eventually, be ‘a happenin’ place’. Well maybe not, but it sounds like a good thing to strive for.

Thanks for visiting.

EDITED TO ADD: I have just added a 100 Things About Me page…check it out…

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }


Faye Azzopardi 11.28.11 at 8:24 am

Lee you are such a clever girl honey you can do what ever you put your mind to and do it exceptianlly well I am very proud to call you my friend. Keep up the great work.xx

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