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{ Quickie and a Tip }

by Lee on August 31, 2008

I’m alive, just busy. Not much me time at the moment. I am working on a fix for that now, so wish me luck and hang in there. I also have freebies to upload, but (there is always a but when it comes to freebies LOL) I am once again over my download limit for the month and I am once again suffering through dial up until my new month ticks over in another week. Then I will upload and post the link.

I added a 100 Things About Me page a while back, but forgot to let you all know. I see these on other blogs and really enjoy reading through them, it’s amazing what you find out about people this way. I have hit the 80 RSS subscriber mark, + 70 email subscribers too, so someone must be reading this blog, maybe you’d like to know a little more about me (or not) let me know what you think.

The lovely Gill has honoured me with an Arty Pico Award. Thanks so much Gill you are a sweetheart! I shall award mine in a future blog post, so be on the look out…

I’m not sure how I came across this video, but down the bottom is the magazine that stars my baby and my Cover Layout for Digital Scrapbooking Magazine! Must say I was pretty chuffed when I noticed it!

This video is scary…. imagine what is happening to your brain while you are on the phone…

Photoshop Tip # 9

My students particularly liked this recent PS tip, so I thought you might too…
You may know that when you hit Control T, it is the shortcut for Free Transform, but sometimes whatever you might be trying to Transform is so big that you can’t see the handles to make your changes, simply hit Control 0 (zero), this will reduce the canvas size, so you can see the Transform handles and Transform to your hearts content!
I hope you found this useful.

Feel Good…

I’m sure you’ve seen this, but it’s such a feel good clip that it deserves to be shared, watch it, and then hug someone today….


Lastly, so I am not excused of preferential blog entries, I’d like to report that at the last Puerto Rico evening, Brian won 1 and Suzy won 1, of course, if you include the handicap, Clinton has won every game since we started, (and some that we haven’t even played yet) but of course that only applies when we are playing in NEVER NEVER LAND!!!

And so I don’t disadvantage myself here, at the previous Puerto Rico evening, I won 2 and Jen won 1. And in case you’re wondering Clinton, that happened in the REAL WORLD! Where there are no Never Never Land handicaps! ;-P


{ Freebie No 2 }

by Lee on June 7, 2008

A quick welcome to my new subscribers, introduce yourselves in the comments section, so I can get to know you, visit your blogs, find out where you are from, you know, all that stuff…

Guess what! My baby is on the front web page of the Digital Scrapbooking Magazine site! Check her out (Proud Mum gone mad!) LOL. Isn’t she just beautiful?

OK without further ado (who really says that?), the link for the freebie is below in the alert window, beware, it is close to 80mb. Why? I hear you ask, well it is a layered file, saved as a TIF, so it is usable in various programs, not just Photoshop, you can move the Ribbon and Buckle (or hide it), and also move the frame, or just use the background on it’s own, the choice is entirely yours.

Please leave a comment if you download it, it may lead to a Freebie Frenzy, dancing in the street, and ticker tape parade, world peace….OK, I’m getting carried away! LOL (Download Link below)


By the way, if you read this post , you may be interested to know that Quinn is STILL wearing my old slippers, melts my heart really. *sigh*

A quick thank you to Nick Ohrn who just rewrote some code for a Wordpress plug-in that I was having problems with and it’s now working. Thanks again Nick, I really appreciate that you made the effort to do this. You can check out this handy Pre-Publish Reminders plug-in here.

If you’re in Australia, have a great long weekend, if you’re not, well, have a great weekend!


{ }

by Lee on May 25, 2008

I am very excited to have been asked to become a contributor at My first Introductory Post has been published. This is a great informative site with lots of good information and lovely ladies, head over to check it out.

What I am listening to…

Angus and Julia Stone. Loving this Brother Sister duo, every song is unique check them out here. This is one of their songs Mango Tree, but they are all great, it was hard to pick just one, check out “All Of Me” if you can too….gorgeous.

What I am reading…

The Mortdecai Trilogy by Kyril Bonfiglioli

Certainly it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I am loving it, laugh out loud hilarious, but it may require a certain sense of humour, I don’t consider mine particularly sick, but then who does? I had dog earred several pages to quote here, but really it won’t seem as amusing out of context. As you are reading, imagine a lovable, slightly alcoholic, effeminate English womaniser with a cutting wit, it will give you the right tone. I saw this recommended on First Tuesday Book Club, and I’m glad I bought it. After that I am reading The Confederacy of Dunces, which I am told by Link is one of his favourite books, and he should know, he has a book database and everything!

Did you know you can purchase books from Amazon directly through my website? Check out the link in the navigation menu at the top of the page. And when you think Amazon, come and visit and order through me!

This weekend we had our dear friends Mandy, Dave, Odette and Mallory come and stay, I haven’t been very well at all this week, but it was, as it always is, a delight to see them and spend time with them, I promise to be more fun next time we see you guys! Loved seeing the girls catch up again too. Quinn burst into tears tonight saying how much she misses them and wants them to move back, I so wish they could. We fitted in a few games of Puerto Rico, since we had to give it back, and I am sad to say my 7 game winning streak is well and truly over, in fact I think I came last in two of the games, Dave was the reigning champ, although there was some controversy over his first two wins… but he is so sweet he is forgiven… and I am going to tell John Faine to leave him alone too!

I am thinking the fact that I am unwell contributed to my dismal performance, well that’s my story and I am sticking to it!

Once again, bad timing with my being sick, but we had Quinn’s 11th birthday party (yes, it’s a month late, but I have reasons OK!), anyway, she told me tonight it was the best party she’s ever had (although she did say that last year), I will post some pictures soon of what we organised for the party, I think they all enjoyed it, it was quite fun, headaches and all.

Brian and Bronte went to the footy again today, and saw the mighty Hawks victorious again (just), Bronte received her 3rd (or is it 4th)? football given to her by one of the team members what a lucky girl!

Coming Soon:- I’ve been tagged, watch this space.


{ My Big News }

by Lee on April 27, 2008

This was my big news! I got the front cover of the US Digital Scrapbooking Magazine!

I am completely chuffed as is Bronte (Quinn is slightly miffed LOL, wanted it to be a layout of her).

Thanks to everyone that emailed me or commented here with congratulations, it was great to see you as excited as I was!

Don’t forget to snaffle the freebie below.

Have a great day :-)


{ Chance Meetings }

by Lee on January 28, 2007

First a couple of layouts, the first one is my baby, Bronte and I used a song by Van Morrison in this one, which I love, called, Into The Mystic. Love the dreamy look on her face in this pic.
Credits: Textured Overlay from Scrap Artist. I also grunged it up a bit more with standard PS brushes.

Next one is my bigger baby Quinn, this is the pic I posted last time, which I just love. The frame is by C Borgfield, but I am not sure where it is from, sorry, also the brushes are just free downloads from somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I wish people would name their brushes so I can give due credit. The background and word art are by me.

Hope you all had a great Australia Day and long weekend. We came back a day early as the weather wasn’t great and was going to get worse. But it was nice while it lasted! Got to finish my audible book and got lots of relaxing in, and a lovely walk along the beach and we also got to sit on the beach, all snuggled up with the girls and watch the comet which was pretty spesh, so we did fit a lot in for the short time we were there!

Also met these lovely people that were camping behind our friends, I was in the van and heard Brian chatting to them, and came out and had a short chat, I thought they mentioned something about lambs and that they were from Thorpdale, so I assumed they were Sheep Farmers, then they went off to cook dinner and we ate ours. During dinner Brian mentioned that they were actually potato farmers, I said that Shez’s parents were from Thorpdale and they probably knew Shez’s family, later on we started chatting again.
I said “I have a friend whose parents are potato farmers in Thorpdale, you might know her family. I can’t remember her maiden name but her married name is Sherryll Ray, do you know them?”
The lady (Joan), said “Sherryll Ray…hmmmm….OH!!!! Sherryll Ray, that’s our daughter!!!!!!!”
Then they asked my name, which I said, and before I had a chance to explain how I knew Shez, they both exclaimed “You’re Lee!!! You’re to blame for our daughters’ obsession!”
“That’s me”, I say sheepishly! LOL. What a small, small world we live in! They are just the loveliest people, not that I am surprised, their daughter is very special and a great, true and loyal friend to boot!

We are busy today doing more stuff around the house, painting old pots and clearing a few more boxes from the garage, we are also clearing a spot for one of those slimline sheds in the backyard, mainly to house the lawn mower and maybe the bikes, if they fit. I would dearly love to be able to move in our garage, but it is chock full of CRAP! LOL Then we are going to do a bit of plant shopping tomorrow, severely restrained by our budget, we are also in desperate need of a doorbell, all our friends have taken to ignoring the front door and coming straight round the back as we never hear it!! LOL

Shez, Tenille (a friend from Brian’s work), and I all went off to the Coal Country Camera Club meeting on Tuesday night. It was a great night and I look forward to more meetings. They have field trips and weekends away and best of all, families are welcome on the trips! The level of skill there is amazing and more than a little intimidating, but I just know I will learn heaps and best of all the people were lovely!

Well, at least I was interested LOL. First this blog had me in hysterics it could be my sense of humour but I hope you get a giggle too, I should mention that there is some ‘colourful’ language going on here, so beware.
Also thought this was pretty groovy too, some interesting effects… . This is a blog I stumbled across, I have no idea how, but I did, the interesting thing I liked on this blog was this series of pics here loved the candid looks on all the faces, wish I had the courage to set up and take pics of random people like this. I found myself wondering about each persons life and where they are going and where they are now…like I said, interesting, at least to me… ;-)

Have a great day and go spread some happiness ;-)


{ A Christmas Birthday }

by Lee on December 29, 2006

As a kid, having a birthday on Christmas Day really, well there’s no other way to say it, sucked. Big Time. I only ever remember having one party. And while my parents tried to separate it, Christmas in the morning, Birthday in the evening, there really is no getting away from the fact that you share your special day with everyone else’s special Christmas Day.
The last two years there has been a bit of a turn around though, and while it has been a long time coming, I have noticed a benefit. Mostly, when people find out when my birthday is, they groan and say “Oh no, I suppose you get combined presents?”. Well as a rule I usually didn’t, but the past two years I have and they have both been the BEST presents EVER!
If you are a regular reader of my blog (all 10 of you ;) ), you will know that last year I got a Nikon D70s Digital SLR, no complaining about that! Woohoo, I just love it!

Anyway, this year I got…..

A 30gb VIDEO iPOD!!! Yay. And I am loving it! I have already filled 10gb with music and a good handful of Photoshop TV Video Podcasts, so I can watch them when I do school pick up or take the kids to Tennis Lessons etc etc.

I am already almost half way through my first Audible Book, called Water for Elephants which I am just loving. I thought my mind would wander while listening but I just get lost in a new world! It’s great.

We had a lovely, but very hectic Christmas Day, having both lunch and dinner here. The morning started early, which was OK, because for a change, we weren’t up until 3am wrapping presents. Brian and I have both decided that Christmas should be on a Monday every year. Girls came hurtling down the hallway at 6am, but were coaxed back into bed with us for another half an hour. They got stuck into there presents as soon as we said OK… they had a good day, present wise, a little too good, we think! Both getting, from us, MP3 players, iDogs, Doona Covers, gorgeous Clocks which I bought at Southbank while on the MAC conference, a portable DVD, with two separate screens for the car ( I like this one, because they can’t nag us to watch it, I don’t like them watching too much TV and they can’t really use it unless we go on long trips, sneaky I now), they also got a Netball Ring, a ridiculous amount of clothes from Pumpkin Patch.

From Santa they got an array of things, mostly from the Australian Geographic Shop I think, the elves must pick up stuff from there too…) from, Spyrograph Machine, Kaleidoscope Makings Kits, Fibre Optic Torches, a watch, booklights, even a pedestal fan each for their rooms (Santa obviously likes to keep them cool, fun and practical! LOL), also Squiggle notepads (they are great, think Mr Squiggle), and Nipple Balls The family got a MP3/Stereo radio for the family room, and a Stunt Kite. Brian got an MP3 player and Travel Scrabble too.

So we are a very happy little household here!

As the year ends, and a new one is about to begin, I realise what a big year this has been for us.
I started teaching Digital Scrapbooking classes and had the great pleasure of meeting some fabulous people through that, who have become very good friends.
I started a new and very rewarding job and look forward to developing that in the future as the girls get older.
We moved into our new home, which we just love, and I don’t believe there is a day goes by that we don’t thank our lucky stars for it.
I got to meet the BEST bunch of MAC girls ever, these girls have made me laugh, given me cyber hugs when I needed them and have just been there always, and make they make their presence felt in sometimes copious amounts of emails, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have felt fierce support and friendship and getting to meet them was a privilege and one that I hope will happen again next year, but this time with the lovely Karen also!
I have met some lovely new cyber friends, especially at Pickleberrypop and via blogs too. This Art that is digiscrapping is a great one and I am glad that I do it, along with all these talented girls, I look forward to continuing these friendships and making more.

Lastly is a list of Movies that Suzy and I saw this year. I know I have missed a few and in 2007 I intend to keep a proper list. Can’t say that any of them was bad, in fact, I really loved them all, in varying degrees. If I had to pick from the list though, I would say that “The Departed” and “Little Miss Sunshine” were the standouts. Although I could barely pick between the two, you could not get two more different movies.

Before I list them, I am putting a layout here so that the big white space is filled LOL.
This layout was done from pics I have wanted to use for ages of Quinn trying to help Bronte climb a tree. Background by me, flower brush, Rhonna Farrer.
Journaling Reads: If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Click on the image for a larger view.

Anyway, here goes.
*Beyond The Sea
The Lakehouse
*Walk The Line
Failure To Launch
*Inside Man
*Brokeback Mountain
*Little Fish
Pride and Prejudice
Pirates of The Carribean 2
The Da Vinci Code
Seperate Lies
*Wah Wah
*The Departed
*Little Miss Sunshine
Thank you for Smoking

OK as I typed, I realised there were some “must sees” in there, I have put an asterick next to them, so try and see them if you can!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a New Year filled with love, laughter and happiness!

Happy New Year!
Edited to add: As you can see, I have done yet another makeover on my blog, the credits are in the side panel! Feedback welcome.


{ Freaky }

by Lee on December 9, 2006

OK, stop razzin’ me, I know it’s been a while! ;-)

This is just a quick random thought, oh and a layout…..
Where do my emails go, when they don’t go to our group??? Several emails have come through to MAC in the last couple of days which were sent by me on the 4th of November, my thoughts are they have been either:

* to an Email Conference
* to a support group for Emails that have lost their way
* drinking Pina Coladas on a South Pacific Island
* got mugged and it has taken this long to get through the red tape at the Email Police
* in a coma
* sitting in the Lost Email Department at Yahoo
* completely distracted from getting to their destination because they went past the Creighton’s abode and were distracted by the dreamy tones of Mr Hot Voice (aka Mad Mick) ;-)
* cracked the sads because it missed out on the MAC conference
* off having a fling with a hot little email, dressed in a tight, red font
* got dragged, unwittingly, into some email scam by an email from the wrong side of the tracks
* got dengi fever in Asia somewhere
* got stopped at email customs and was caught with 2 kg of marijuana in it’s surf board case
* got caught up in schoolies week and fell off a balcony
* got slipped some GHB in it’s drink and woke up on a beach in Surfers Paradise
* inadvertantly got on the same plane as the Primeminister and single handedly saved the day, Bruce Willis style, from a madman, and has since been recovering with the token blonde air hostess that helped save the day….

If you actually KNOW where my emails have been, please tell me!!!

Oh and I revamped this LO too….
Edited to add…Brushes by Anna Aspnes


{ Cup Fever }

by Lee on November 8, 2006

Well, as always, we had a blast at work for Cup Day! There is an advantage when you are working and people think you aren’t! Everyone assumes that all banks are closed on Cup Day, but regional branches aren’t. So that usually means a pretty quiet day for us. We always put on a lovely Chicken and Champagne lunch (thanks Ruthy, Shez, Nicole and Helen). It’s a great spread and we put in a measley $8 and the bank puts in a bit too. So by lunch things were pretty happy. We had a few different syndicates going and lots of bets on every race as well as 4 Sweeps. Even though I am no longer a teller the tellers included me in their own little syndicate (I love it that they still include me even though I don’t technically work with them now, but they say they miss me which is lovely). In the tellers syndicate we all put in $5 each and had various bets in the cup, a couple of Quinellas, Trifectas and Each Way bets and also a couple of Mystery Each Ways and Mystery Trifectas. Anyway WE WON!!!! On one of the mystery trifectas all our horses came in! WOOOOHOOOOO!

The Trifecta paid $1100, although we only had half a unit on so that made it $550!!!! We were so excited! I don’t mind losing on the Cup, it’s a great day either way, but to win AND have a great day is, well, just great!!! LOL

2 more sleeps!!! YAY. Nuff said ;)

Another layout done last week end. My cousin always says Bronte reminds her of Gretal (I think?) from the Sound of Music. I’ve never seen it so I don’t know, but when I do her hair like this, I think she looks like a Gretal. LOL

Anyway, background by me and the brushes are from the fabulous Jason Gaynor.

~ WORK ~
Oh man it is so busy at the moment, getting ready for a few special things we have coming up. I really really love my job and am so happy that I made the move, and even though it’s busy, I never wish I was somewhere else. Even though I only work with my boss, there are several other great people that work around me and it’s always a laugh and a good place to be! How good is that?

Well I have seen two fabulous movies in the last few weeks, I didn’t think the first one could be topped, The Departed, although these movies are poles apart in their stories. Little Miss Sunshine is basically about a dysfunctional family that go on a road trip. Many many cringe worthy moments, with family that we either know or know of. Priceless really. I saw this movie twice in two days, and while I am sure that it won’t be the same with everyone that sees it. I laughed so hard I cried, especially in the first half of the movie. The final scene of the movie had me laughing AND sobbing at the same time. At the end of the movie, I walked out, both times, smiling and just generally feeling great. If you are tempted to see it, the part I laughed at the most, was the car horn and starting the car, if you see it you’ll know what I mean. Every character was fabulous and brought something unique to the story…. just loved it.

Edited to add
I read this a little while ago in a series of books I am re-reading by Diana Gabaldon. This passage is from the first book and has stuck in my head for some reason….

“But just then, for that fraction of time, it seems as though all things are possible. You can look across the limitations of your own life and see that they are really nothing. In that moment, when time stops, it is as though you know that you could undertake any venture, complete it and come back to yourself to find the world unchanged, and everything just as you left it a moment before, and it’s as though…” he hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words.
“As though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”

Have a great night everyone! :)


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