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{ It’s done! }

by Lee on April 22, 2008

OK, I finally think it’s done, after much ado, I present my new blog (and site)! I won’t be making any changes for a while now, AND I will be blogging regularly again, well, I’d better, since I have spent two weeks on this without a night to bed before 2am… several after 4am…. well, I will say, I am tenacious…Please leave me some love and tell me it wasn’t all for naught!

I do know that I have an issue with the header and centring, but when I fix it in Firefox it goes awry in Internet Explorer, so I am aware of it and will attempt to fix it soon!

Some bits….

~ Congratulations…

To my dear friend Megan, who recently achieved her dream of becoming a police officer, I am so proud of you hun, and I know you will be great!

Thanks to Kate, for mentioning my new blog and saying such sweet things about me, right back atchya Kate…. If you enjoy an amusing read head over there, she is wonderful at telling bits about her life in the most amusing manner. Check out a recent one called The Trouble with Double.

And just because I prefer posts with some sort of graphic here is a layout I did a month or so back, my usual, “Embrace The Whitespace” style, hmmm I should coin that phrase… when I looked at these photos I couldn’t get the song from the Milo Ad out of my head, so of course, what better way to get it out, than put it in a layout… so here ’tis…

Update on the Puerto Rico, last time we played, we had 3 games (they are getting quicker now), I won all 3! Very happy indeed.

Hugs to Odette, who recently broke her leg, we are thinking of you babe and hope you are feeling better soon.

Also went to a trivia night on Friday night, it was a fund raiser for the Make A Wish foundation, last year we won (yay) and this year we came second, which does make you wonder about the rumours that alcohol dulls the brain, since last year the end of the evening was quite, shall we say, blurry, and this time we were all, well, much less affected by our drinks, however we only came 2nd, but that, of course, is nothing to sneeze at! So we came home with lots of lovely prizes and knowledge that we are good at, ‘knowing useless stuff’.

Hmmm just noticed I seem to have an aversion to fullstops in this entry, I’ll try harder next time…. put it down to the late hour…

Oh and Lincoln Eddy, yes you, stop nit picking on my blog spelling/grammar/ errors, you’ve had some that I have opted to overlook, and besides, Judy likes the way I type PLease….

Which reminds me! Go and check out the lovely Judy’s blog, she is lucky enough to be travelling around France at the moment and has been updating her blog very regularly, with lots of pictures and wonderful entries about her time there…. go on, go now, leave her some love!

OK check back soon, I have plans to add some pages and stuff, maybe some freebies, some tweaks…. so many plans…..


{ Puerto Rico Party }

by Lee on April 6, 2008

Thought I’d better blog this before Link beat me to it. He is winning the blog war at the moment….

Last night we went to Suzy and Lincoln’s and had dinner with our dear friends Mandy and Dave who recently moved to Melbourne. Mandy and Dave are in our inner camping friends circle and since the weather is getting cooler we haven’t seen as much of them as we would like. Anyway, we went to Waratah Bay with Mandy and Dave about 6 weeks a go, and while we were there they taught us a game called Puerto Rico , which is ranked as number one game on After the initial confusion of trying to learn quite a complicated game, we finally ‘got it’. And ended up having 3 games in one day, which is quite a feat since the game we had last night lasted over 3 hours…. Any way, Brian emerged victorious and a good night was had by all, it’s not an easy game to describe, but it is vaguely like Monopoly in trying to acquire wealth and property, but instead it is setting up a new colony…. OK that doesn’t really describe it well at all, but if you like games, this could be worth a try. Mandy and Dave have left the game so we can have a play since, despite it’s ranking, it is not easy to get locally. To prove our level of addiction Suzy and Link our coming over shortly for a follow up game…. stay tuned….

I have recently purchased Foto Fusion and have created a few basic layouts with it, the first one below is of a night late last year at Suzy and Lincoln’s for a BBQ, so here are all the people that were there Puerto Rico-ing it up last night… Click on Pictures for a larger view.
Below is a layout of our weekend at Waratah Bay with Mandy and Dave. Dave was teaching the girls how to surf. I really enjoyed doing this layou as the photo’s made me smile and remember a great weekend, also the kids will remember this forever, they had a ball learning to surf with two of their best friends, Mallory and Odette. They really didn’t want to get out of the water, but all good things must come to an end. I think this is something they will try again next summer.

Below is another quick one on our Easter trip to Bright, we stayed both at the caravan park and also at Lincoln’s Mum and Dad’s house at Harrietville. Brian (Link’s Dad) was a wonderful host and we loved being there. The kids had a ball and made some new friends, Claudia and Mitchell who we have arranged to camp with next year.

Just like the divine Miss A, I too did the Smudge course at DAA along with a few other MAC girls, this Smudge I did of Quinn, before I really knew what to do. Scott Deardorf was an excellent tutor, with excellent video and written tutorials and the class was very chatty and full of inspiring people.

Here is the Eagle which was what we all did in the class.

Since Link has told you what he is reading I thought I should. I have had a bit of a reading hiatus lately, due to late nights and also the fact that I have been enjoying audible books on my iPod, but I recently caught up on all the First Tuesday Book Club vodcasts that I had missed on the ABC and it inspired me to get back into one of my loves, books. I went and bought “The Broken Shore” by Peter Temple, which had had a good review on the show and while I was at the book store I picked a book off the shelf called “The Book Thief” by Marcus Zusak, I bought this primarily because it was written by an Australia about the 1st world war set in Germany. Well, what a fabulous read… I like to read books slowly and savour them, but this I read in 3 days, reading the last 1/3rd of the book in one sitting, finishing at 4.30am. I can highly recommend this book, it was written with an unusual style, and was extremely engaging, I can’t recommend it enough. Unfortunatley I trued to start The Broken Shore straight after it but the writing style was so different I had to stop, will start it in the next few days.

Lastly, we ended up having a big sleep over here on Friday night, trying to take advantage of having Mallory and Odette visiting from Melbourne. So with six little girls staying in our rumpus room there was lots of, Wii-ing, SingStar-ing and DVD-ing happening, they were of course Angels and looked after themselves pretty much. Also in these pictures is Jesamine (Quinn and Bronte’s cousin) and Chantal, who is also belongs to one of our camping families. They had such a great time and here are some pics to prove it….

OK off to Puerto Rico it up now! Have a great day :-)

Updated to add: 5 games… (they ended up staying for pizza…bad I know….Lincoln NONE (although he thinks he has a better average because he kept coming 2nd…)

Lee won 2
Suzy won 2
Brian won 1


{ Layouts etc }

by Lee on January 12, 2007

Here are 4 more layouts I have done recently. Top one I used brush frames from The Christmas layout uses brushes by Anna Aspnes and the Puzzle one uses a stamped alpha by Michelle Coleman. Click on them for a better view.

Top ones are pics taken at Seaspray…just love that place.

Quote Reads:
Every time we walk along a beach some ancient urge disturbs us so that we find ourselves shedding shoes and garments and running toward whitened waves like the homesick refugees of a long war. Loren Eiseley.

… has returned with a bang. I am back at work and while I still enjoy it I miss my family terribly, especially when I know they are at home without me! It’s been very hard getting my sleeping habits back in order too, I have always been a night owl and have had to try and curb it since I started working 4 days, at the moment I am still going to bed about 2am but it has been soooo hard getting up in the morning…I will make a concerted effort to start getting to bed at a reasonable time!

Quinn has beaten me 3 times now :( and Brian once. She is getting really good

now, and I am going to have to start giving my full attention when I play her!

My word is going pretty good actually, a few times I have started to stress about things and then realised that it’s not important so I think I am making headway there…hope it continues!

To the lovely person that sent me a voucher for my birthday, it was very sweet and I wish you would tell me who you were so that I could thank you properly! Anyway thanks again :)

is calendars, I usually do one for Brian, my MIL and myself (for work) so I really want to try and knock them over on the weekend, which might happen since the girls have a party on Saturday…we’ll see. That reminds me, I actually did one for a Kris Kringle present, it turned out really well, especially since I had no photos of/for the person I made it for, I ended up using stock pics and I think it turned out great (well OK anyway)…might get around to posting it here one day…or maybe not! LOL

Again life is good for me and my family at the moment! Hope you are all having the same luck as me! Have a great day everyone….


{Happiness is the best…}

by Lee on September 21, 2006

:::Photo Shoot:::

Here are a couple of the pics taken yesterday from the photo shoot we did here yesterday of Shez’s kids and her little neice Karla.

As you can see all three are very photogenic and were very good models.

I think Shez was happy with the pics and so was I, a good many turned out great, a lot more than I expected LOL

Anyway it was great fun and then the kids all played together like they’d known each other all their lives! Click on the pics for a larger view.

:::PJ Day:::

Another lovely day today, we had our PJ day and justbummed around, the girls made puppets with some old felt I found and then they sewed beads on too. They aren’t quite finished, but it kept them amused for hours. We also had a game of scrabble and then Quinn and I had a game of 500.

Love these days, so special, I’ve said it before, I’m a lucky girl.

Managed to catch up on all my banking and bill paying, not a job I should put off *groan*. But it’s done now. There have been a lot of bills lately with all the extra bits and peices we have done around here. And while there is still lots more to be done, the rest can wait while our bank account recovers!

:::Get Well Wishes:::

Sending good healing vibes to Mr Supreme Being, otherwise known as Mr Sharon or Mad Mick. He had an op on his hand today and is recovery, so get well soon, Michael and I hope that hand doesn’t keep you out of action for too long, for your sake and Sharon’s :)

Also happy hugs go to my other friend, you know who you are, you are coping really well, and you are always in my thoughts, my friend.

:::Days of Miracle and Wonder:::

The layout at the bottom, has had a few incarnations and this is what I settled on.

Brushes are by Denise Docherty (big surprise) LOL and me.

Journaling Reads :

You know how to enjoy yourself more than anyone else I know. You are always so consistent in your out look and your approach to life. You seem to savour every moment, and you just exude contentment and it’s obvious you know how to relax and also how to entertain yourself. These photos were taken at Seaspray after an impromptu game of soccer with the rest of our group. I can tell you love these times we spend with friends and family, you love the constant company and the bustle that several families create when ‘living’ together. You laugh so hard and run so fast, you put your all into everything you do. You delight in the company of others and revel in the opportunity to try new things, play with lots of different people and just interacting with people. In fact in short you are the life of the party.Mar ‘06

Anyway, that’s all for me, have a great day/night and happy scrapping :)


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