Well that title is a bit ambiguous…. I’ll leave it at that I think, suffice to say, it’s a little dig, because despite my obvious disadvantage, I got to blog first, what did I get to blog first, well, that I went to see Juno today. Yep Suzy and I have started up our weekly Friday movie again (although we had a non-human gatecrasher today). And what a way to start the movie year… if you haven’t seen it, do. Right now…seriously now, the rest of this won’t be that exciting, trust me…. Anyway, I intend to rush out and purchase the soundtrack tomorrow, assuming of course, there is one, haven’t checked that yet, really loved the quirky bits of music, with some great classics in there too. Anyway, I highly recommend, it really was great and I am sure few films I see this year will rival it, we all enjoyed it immensely, even the non-human amongst us.
OK below, a layout…. tried to personify the amazing Anna Aspnes with the word art here, sadly, it didn’t work, but it’s the effort that counts…. right? CC welcome…. click for a larger view…
And this one was made for my dear friend Shez, it was made as a belated birthday card…again so sorry I was late Shez…. or maybe we could just say I am amazingly early for your 41st!
And for those who don’t know, we finally got a new BBQ and outdoor setting, see below, so we can now finally use our deck for some real entertainment, it’s been bare for 18 month now so it’s nice to be able to use it, even if we don’t have a step! There are no pics of the outdoor setting as it wasn’t set up when I took the BBQ ones.
Clinton and Jen, if you’re reading this again, we will have you over in the next two weeks or so. There I am locked in now! We look forward to seeing you….. Wow, is this a first? An invite via blogger? I wonder…..
OK, think that’s it for now… happy weekend everyone! BFN