I had a Handbag Party on Wednesday, and, after not writing down who I had invited and also telling friends (stupidly) not to worry about RSVPing, I had no idea how many were coming, so after work on Wednesday, I was in a panic about how much food and, more importantly, wine and champagne I should purchase I finally got myself organised and was ready just in time for the first guest to arrive. DH was not so organised, and after me nagging him for weeks to get our house number up somewhere so that people actually knew where to come, was stuck outside while people were arriving still drilling holes LOL, I guess him being out there pointed them in the right direction anyway LOL.
Anyway, it was a great night, I had 23 turn up, a little too many for that sort of party, but just the right amount for a good night. Between them all they spent $1283.00!! Which gave me $125 credit to use on purchases and 3 half price items, so it worked out well for me.
There were also tours of the new home, but sadly still no deck to show anyone, still just 20 something dirty great holes! LOL. I am trying very hard to have a certain virtue ;)
A special thank you to my two wonderful girls, who were the perfect hosts on the evening, offering people lots of food and generally making me proud.
Here is my next layout. Another challenge held at MAC, this is the gorgeous Lis, with the equally gorgeous Trent. Tried to keep it very plain, because that pic says a thousand words. A special Mother/Child moment.
Just on Lis, congrats on your new home, I just know you and your family will be happier than ever there.
Special hugs go to Karen for your recent scare, you are still in my thoughts and I am very glad all is OK now.
Speaking of the MAC girls our conference is officially one week away, we are all excited and looking forward to meeting each other, a huge effort from Sharon flying down from Sydney and a big thanks to Mick, for encourging her to do so! We are all lamenting Karen not being able to come (a 2 hour flight from another country is such a small hurdle ;) ). But Karen will be in on the fun on the night, we will make sure of it!
I am off to see “Little Miss Sunshine” today, I don’t know anything about it other than Toni Collette is in it, but I will give you an update later. Which reminds me, 2 weeks ago, just before our Daylesford weekend, I went to see “THE DEPARTED”, and man oh man, I loved it! Granted not everyone’s cup of tea, lots of violence and swearing, but excellently acted and the sort of movie that had my heart racing (sometimes from sheer eye candy ;) ) but mostly because I was on the edge of my seat for most of it. I can’t wait to see it again and everyone we went with on the night also loved it. Some big names in it too, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alec Baldwin, Martin Sheen and someone else whose name escapes me right now. So if you can handle blood and language I recommend it, and if you can’t, go anyway and close your eyes and ears at selected bits LOL.
Have a great day :)