Another busy day!
Movies today with the girls, we went to see Monster House with some friends. It was great and the kids really enjoyed it and then we went out for lunch afterwards, enjoyed a lovely meal and great conversation. Mandy, her partner Dave and their two girls Odette and Mallory are also part of our camping crew. I ended up bring Mandy’s girls home with me while Mandy went to work for a little while.
Got home just in time to meet Shez who brought her lovely kids over and we had a little photo shoot, which was lots of fun and very productive. Got a few great shots and then Shez and I settled in for a nice chat while all the kids had a play together.
Mandy came to get the kids around four but brought a lovely bottle of wine, so we settled in and we ended up calling Dave and they stayed for a lovely dinner of Tanzanian Chicken, Spiced Wedges and Salad and a few more bottles of wine :) (Have yet to investigate whether this can be made in a Crockpot ;) LOL. Before dinner we took the kids for a walk along the creek (just across the road) and a kick of the footy.
What a lovely day, we had, but are also pretty excited to get a PJ day in tomorrow too.
Oh and here are a couple more layouts done recently, as you can see I’ve gone back to my boring style of old ;)
Top one uses brushes form here a lovely selection of both free and pay brushes. The quote is “A kiss without a hug is like a flower without a fragrance”. The bottom one, is of course, Seaspray, can’t wait to enjoy it again :)
Have a lovely day, happy scrapping ;)