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{ Where Do I Start? }

by Lee on April 25, 2007

Man, it has been ages, life is busy, but I hate to neglect my blog, it always makes that first post back harder, since I have been too busy to post and yet, really have nothing to tell…. ;-) And to my blog buddeis, I have also been neglecting my blog reading, sorry and I’ll get back to it soon! mwa :)

Work is busy and working 4 days is taking up more of my ‘me’ time than I had hoped. But in saying that I still love it. It’s my 12 month anniversay tomorrow, how freaky is that? It feels like such a short time and I still feel like I am learning everyday.
We went to Bright for Easter, it is truly a little peice of heaven and we can’t wait to get back there, but it will be a while, although we’d love to get there over winter to stay on the cabins that they have there. We camped right on the river, which is sadly lacking in water due to the drought, but it was so pretty and the kids had a ball with all the exciting exploring they had to do. We also had to camp without power for the first time in years, but it was no biggie, didn’t really effect us at all. Good food, good champagne and good company, all in all a great holiday….pics to come soon….
Ummm, what else? Oh it’s Quinn’s birthday this friday. I am having my own little crisis about that. I can’t believe she is turning 10 and it really seems obvious in the last month or so that she is not a little girl anymore. I am not one to worry about my age, it’s just a number, but this is really bothering me. A well meaning friend commented recently that she acts more like she is 12 or 13! That freaked me out too. Anyway, here is a sneak at her party invitations, personal stuff blurred out of course :). I took the pics here at home, and they turned out OK. (CLICK FOR A LARGER VIEW)

Oh and talking about Quinn has reminded me to wish Nic a very happy birthday for the 22nd! Quinn didn’t forget, and wanted to wish you all the best :)

Not much news on the layout front, being time challenged at the moment means it has taken a backseat, but here are two more recent ones, that I have done. Click for a larger view
My Digi Scrapping class starts tomorrow night, so I have been madly updating my notes for that. I did just mean to skim over them, but I ended up adding to the first weekes notes, beginning at 5 pages and ending at 15. Now I am only on the second weeks notes, but I’ll get there. Looking forward to beginning classs in a new venue, with new computer and a smaller class. Should be good. Looking forward to it.
The wonderful MAC Karen is heading out to Oz soon, so the MAC girls hope to have another gathering then, very excited to meet this lovely sweet person and maybe pick her brains, knowing what a fabulous photographer Karen is, I couldn’t let that chance slip by, and I think there will be a few more MAC girls wanting to take advantage of that talent!
I kinda feel like I have more to say but not sure what it is….oh I know, I read a great book recently, if you are a working Mum, it is a fabulous and hilarious read, if you’re not, you should enjoy it just as much (although, the non working Mum’s I know that have read it, thought it was a bit of a dig at them). I have to disagree, I thought it was a big dig at working Mum’s and all the antics that some go through to try and keep their lives, families and careers on track. Anyway, enough babbling, the book is called I don’t know how she does it and it’s by Alison Perason.
Click on the title to read an excerpt.
My weekly movies have been put on hold due to my partner in crime getting a job! Although she will only be working Fridays for a couple of months so we can resume after that. It has actually worked out well really, I am not sure I would be able to fit them in at the moment anyway.
Oh and a small one. Shez, Tenille (a friend) and myself all joined a camera club recently. It looks like we are going to learn heaps. They recently had a Car Rally, which we had a list of things (I took the whole family) we had to take photgraphs of, whilst driving and looking for clues etc. It was great fun and I took some pictures I would not normally have taken. Here are a few of my faves, sorry the colours are a little over saturated, gotta get my screen calibrated…. Click for a larger view


{ Dreams and more }

by Lee on February 4, 2007


Had lots of fun making this layout and have always loved that pic of Quinn, I really enjoyed experimenting and what I ended up with, it shows up a little bit light on the compressed version though. I used brushes by Hybrid-Genesis and a mesh brush by Denise Docherty.

Quote Reads: Dreams are Illustrations….from the book your soul is writing about you – Marsha Norman.

Yay I have my camera back!!!! Woohoo, it is perfectly alright with no sign of the muck that was all over the sensor, I am so lucky and feel very very relieved and thankful to have it back….life is good ;-) I took some pics at a pool party that we went to yesterday/last night but haven’t downloaded them yet, must get to that….

Went to the movies on Friday with my cousin and my auntie and saw Stranger Than Fiction, I wasn’t overly keen as I really don’t like Will Farrell, not that I have seen him in much, but the sort of movies he is in just aren’t my thing. Thankfully, the movies I had to choose from were narrow as I was time challenged and was going to struggle to get back in time to get the girls from school, so I was kinda forced to see this or nothing. Well what a FABULOUS movie it was, so refreshingly different, sweet, funny and sad all at once. It had some REALLY great actors in it and there was a real potential for Will Farrell to overact, but he didn’t, his performance was beautifully subtle and I think I can safely say, I am a convert. If you get a chance, go see it. Dave, my cousin thought it was the best movie he had seen in the last 5 years, I wasn’t quite there, but was very impressed nonetheless.
ROFL, I just read that back and I sound like I should be on The Movie Show with Margaret Pomerance! hehe!

Found these links over the last few days, this first one is via a blog link that Lis provided at MAC, not one of those links, but 1 I found via one of those links (boy that was a mouthful, not even sure I know what I mean LOL). Anyway I am addicted, it’s quite fascinating watching all these people tell a stranger about their lives. This man is from England and has decided to meet someone new every day for the next 30 years and ask them 3 questions check out Thirty Year I’d love to see what you think. It actually reminds me of a show that used to be on SBS a few years back where a guy would just stop people in the street and ask them about their lives. It was amazing how open and honest people were, the name escapes me now and I know it will annoy me for days…if you know the name please put me out of my misery ;-)

Next is a movie poster that was posted at Photoshop Top on the blog there, it is a really great effect on the poster and I am going to try and incorporate something similar in a layout (yeah, sure I am ;-) ). Anyway there is a thumbnail to the left of the poster, you can click for a larger view or go check out the blog.Also found these cute little camera bags on Donna Downey’s website, they are way to small for all my stuff but I thought they were cute anyway. Would be nice to have one for a day trip I guess where you only need 1 lens and no flash.

Anyway that’s it for me, hope you had a great weekend and if the pics are anything special I’ll come back and add them to this post!

OK So I’m back LOL. These three are my favs. First one is Quinn and then my Bronte Boo and the last is my ‘neice’ Harriet, how striking are those eyes!
And did you notice? There is not a spot on these pics….*sigh*…… thank you Mr Camera Fixer Man :)


{ Some layouts & a Word… }

by Lee on January 6, 2007

These are layouts that were all done for our MAC digi girls using their photo’s. I have revamped and changed them to suit my own pics and here they are…..

Oh and the bottom one is a new one :)

Been busy around the house this week while we are both off work together. While I have missed camping it has been lovely being able to spend some time at home. We have managed to do a bit, and spend some time with the girls playing their new favourite game, Chess. Quinn has already beaten me, so I will have to work on my strategy I think!

Went and saw Happy Feet with the girls on Thursday, which was good (not fantastic IMHO), managed to pick out all the light fittings for the house, now we have a 4-6 week wait for an electrician, which I hate! Can’t stand waiting for stuff when I am all set to go LOL.

Which brings me to my next thing. I read a great article by Ali Edwards about a tradition she started for herself, where she chooses a word for herself at the beginning of the year and tries to incorporate it into her every day life. I thought this was a great idea. Her word for 2006 was Play and this year it is Peace. I have decided on the word RELAX for me for 2007.

I can be quite regimented in regards to time (I hate being late) and definitely like things done a certain way. If we are running late for school or other social events I am a RAVING nut, yelling and carrying on etc etc LOL. If I make a mistake at home or at work I am very very hard on myself and tend to get very angry, even though any one else would and does think my error is minor I can’t help but get very disappointed. I intend to try and RELAX more and try and accept situations for what they are. If there is no real importance in what’s happened, I will TRY not to let it bother me so much!
I also have a tendency to be very very strict with my girls, whilst they are shown an immeasurable amount of love, I can be quite hard on them and expect a lot. I think I need to acknowledge that they are great kids now and I can RELAX a little on the every day stuff. I am constantly told by family, friends, teachers etc how well behaved they are and well mannered etc etc, so I guess O need to start giving them a little more leway. I WILL RELAX. So I guess that is my New Years resolution in part. We’ll see how it goes….

I have resolved to try not to web surf anymore, I keep finding things I really really want and can’t have LOL! This is the latest! Oh well…hope the increase in my hours comes soon! LOL Also lusting after Foto Fusion and several books too! Including all the quote books the lovely Angela has. The list is never ending! I will resolve to be happy with all the wonderful things I actually have, including and most importantly my family and friends.

Have a great day! :)

Oh you should be able to click on the layouts for a larger view.

All papers and backgrounds made by me. Also used brushes from Anna Aspnes and Denise Docherty.


{ A Christmas Birthday }

by Lee on December 29, 2006

As a kid, having a birthday on Christmas Day really, well there’s no other way to say it, sucked. Big Time. I only ever remember having one party. And while my parents tried to separate it, Christmas in the morning, Birthday in the evening, there really is no getting away from the fact that you share your special day with everyone else’s special Christmas Day.
The last two years there has been a bit of a turn around though, and while it has been a long time coming, I have noticed a benefit. Mostly, when people find out when my birthday is, they groan and say “Oh no, I suppose you get combined presents?”. Well as a rule I usually didn’t, but the past two years I have and they have both been the BEST presents EVER!
If you are a regular reader of my blog (all 10 of you ;) ), you will know that last year I got a Nikon D70s Digital SLR, no complaining about that! Woohoo, I just love it!

Anyway, this year I got…..

A 30gb VIDEO iPOD!!! Yay. And I am loving it! I have already filled 10gb with music and a good handful of Photoshop TV Video Podcasts, so I can watch them when I do school pick up or take the kids to Tennis Lessons etc etc.

I am already almost half way through my first Audible Book, called Water for Elephants which I am just loving. I thought my mind would wander while listening but I just get lost in a new world! It’s great.

We had a lovely, but very hectic Christmas Day, having both lunch and dinner here. The morning started early, which was OK, because for a change, we weren’t up until 3am wrapping presents. Brian and I have both decided that Christmas should be on a Monday every year. Girls came hurtling down the hallway at 6am, but were coaxed back into bed with us for another half an hour. They got stuck into there presents as soon as we said OK… they had a good day, present wise, a little too good, we think! Both getting, from us, MP3 players, iDogs, Doona Covers, gorgeous Clocks which I bought at Southbank while on the MAC conference, a portable DVD, with two separate screens for the car ( I like this one, because they can’t nag us to watch it, I don’t like them watching too much TV and they can’t really use it unless we go on long trips, sneaky I now), they also got a Netball Ring, a ridiculous amount of clothes from Pumpkin Patch.

From Santa they got an array of things, mostly from the Australian Geographic Shop I think, the elves must pick up stuff from there too…) from, Spyrograph Machine, Kaleidoscope Makings Kits, Fibre Optic Torches, a watch, booklights, even a pedestal fan each for their rooms (Santa obviously likes to keep them cool, fun and practical! LOL), also Squiggle notepads (they are great, think Mr Squiggle), and Nipple Balls The family got a MP3/Stereo radio for the family room, and a Stunt Kite. Brian got an MP3 player and Travel Scrabble too.

So we are a very happy little household here!

As the year ends, and a new one is about to begin, I realise what a big year this has been for us.
I started teaching Digital Scrapbooking classes and had the great pleasure of meeting some fabulous people through that, who have become very good friends.
I started a new and very rewarding job and look forward to developing that in the future as the girls get older.
We moved into our new home, which we just love, and I don’t believe there is a day goes by that we don’t thank our lucky stars for it.
I got to meet the BEST bunch of MAC girls ever, these girls have made me laugh, given me cyber hugs when I needed them and have just been there always, and make they make their presence felt in sometimes copious amounts of emails, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have felt fierce support and friendship and getting to meet them was a privilege and one that I hope will happen again next year, but this time with the lovely Karen also!
I have met some lovely new cyber friends, especially at Pickleberrypop and via blogs too. This Art that is digiscrapping is a great one and I am glad that I do it, along with all these talented girls, I look forward to continuing these friendships and making more.

Lastly is a list of Movies that Suzy and I saw this year. I know I have missed a few and in 2007 I intend to keep a proper list. Can’t say that any of them was bad, in fact, I really loved them all, in varying degrees. If I had to pick from the list though, I would say that “The Departed” and “Little Miss Sunshine” were the standouts. Although I could barely pick between the two, you could not get two more different movies.

Before I list them, I am putting a layout here so that the big white space is filled LOL.
This layout was done from pics I have wanted to use for ages of Quinn trying to help Bronte climb a tree. Background by me, flower brush, Rhonna Farrer.
Journaling Reads: If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Click on the image for a larger view.

Anyway, here goes.
*Beyond The Sea
The Lakehouse
*Walk The Line
Failure To Launch
*Inside Man
*Brokeback Mountain
*Little Fish
Pride and Prejudice
Pirates of The Carribean 2
The Da Vinci Code
Seperate Lies
*Wah Wah
*The Departed
*Little Miss Sunshine
Thank you for Smoking

OK as I typed, I realised there were some “must sees” in there, I have put an asterick next to them, so try and see them if you can!

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a New Year filled with love, laughter and happiness!

Happy New Year!
Edited to add: As you can see, I have done yet another makeover on my blog, the credits are in the side panel! Feedback welcome.


{ Yumm and Congrats }

by Lee on December 15, 2006

Congrats for the 2nd time within a month to the lovely Judy! Yep Judy is a Mama for the 2nd time to the gorgeous Ella Rose, congrats to Anna and Ross and the rest of the Dr Tax family!

Also a huge Happy 21st Birthday wish too the GORGEOUS (see left) Deb, I hope your special day goes off with a bang and all your wishes come true!! I also hope your party is better than you ever dreamed!

Oooh now I had lots to say, but can’t remember any of it! Let me think… ummm, I am not quite organised for Christmas yet, but getting there slowly, need to pull my finger out and organise all the food for Christmas Day since we are having it here this year, which brings me to the deck…groan…still not finished! Those boys will need to put a few solid days to get it done by Christmas!

I have been in an internet ordering frenzy lately, ordering some gifts via eBay, also ordered a new flash for my camera (woohoo) and a Lightsphere for my flash (double woohoo), which I got on Monday! Now all I have to do is figure out how to use them! (everything crossed ;-) ).

Also ordered some fabulous dressing via email, from the Yumm Dressing Company. Yes dressing, salad dressing. And YUMM is the perfect way to describe it! We bought it early in the year at the Red Hill market on the Mornington Peninsula, if you ever have the opportunity, get down there, it’s very foody, with something for everyone. Anyway, we used up the 500ml bottle we bought in no time, and have been craving it ever since. Finally got around to emailing and asking if we could order some. We now have 4 bottles and have almost had 1 bottle already! Many thanks to Tarryn who got us our fix again!

In regards to my previous post, Angela suggestion about where my emails are going was the following:-

Maybe they started digiscrapping, joined a yahoo group bought a laptop and then couldn’t be bothered going anywhere!

LOL isn’t she FUNNY! (Even funnier than Wayne) ;-). I thought of another good one and laughed when I did, now I forgot! LOL I knew I should have written it down!

Also had a suggestion from Mad Mick, he thinks it’s got stuck in the big Echelon computer (the one that spies on us all) because it has suddenly developed a profound interest in Digiscrapping! LOL

Check out the new MACdigiscrap Blog, a place for all the MAC girls to post their challenge entries too. The current challenge is Christmas pics, so head on over to see some, comments welcome, and if you have some pics to show us, leave the link in your comment, we’d love to see!

Layouts are few and far between at the moment, but I did this one about a week ago, all about the feelings I have being a Mum.

Lastly, to my friend, who has recently suffered a devastating loss, you are in my thoughts, and I am here for you.

Have a great day everyone :)


{ Freaky }

by Lee on December 9, 2006

OK, stop razzin’ me, I know it’s been a while! ;-)

This is just a quick random thought, oh and a layout…..
Where do my emails go, when they don’t go to our group??? Several emails have come through to MAC in the last couple of days which were sent by me on the 4th of November, my thoughts are they have been either:

* to an Email Conference
* to a support group for Emails that have lost their way
* drinking Pina Coladas on a South Pacific Island
* got mugged and it has taken this long to get through the red tape at the Email Police
* in a coma
* sitting in the Lost Email Department at Yahoo
* completely distracted from getting to their destination because they went past the Creighton’s abode and were distracted by the dreamy tones of Mr Hot Voice (aka Mad Mick) ;-)
* cracked the sads because it missed out on the MAC conference
* off having a fling with a hot little email, dressed in a tight, red font
* got dragged, unwittingly, into some email scam by an email from the wrong side of the tracks
* got dengi fever in Asia somewhere
* got stopped at email customs and was caught with 2 kg of marijuana in it’s surf board case
* got caught up in schoolies week and fell off a balcony
* got slipped some GHB in it’s drink and woke up on a beach in Surfers Paradise
* inadvertantly got on the same plane as the Primeminister and single handedly saved the day, Bruce Willis style, from a madman, and has since been recovering with the token blonde air hostess that helped save the day….

If you actually KNOW where my emails have been, please tell me!!!

Oh and I revamped this LO too….
Edited to add…Brushes by Anna Aspnes


{ MACdigi Mayhem }

by Lee on November 13, 2006

This is just a quick entry, I am so time challenged at the moment due to my real job, but had to get this up!

We had our MAC conference on the weekend, and I met THE most wonderful, fun, caring, happy, special girls and could not have gotten along with them any better. We all got along like a house on fire and I wasn’t at all suprised, after all, we have been friends for a while now, even though we hadn’t met.
Sadly our good friend Karen was unable to make it (from NZ), but we talked of her often and drank to her more ;)

The pics here were taken on Sunday on Southbank, some at the restaurant and some walking around. Unfortunately these pics don’t include Lis and Ruth as they weren’t there on the Sunday, I will do another one of these from the Saturday night when 8 of us were there. The pics also include our own little MAC digi mascot, the gorgeous Deb and the lovely Dr Tax (AKA David, Judy’s DH). We also got to meet the gorgeous Trent and lovely Matt on Saturday when they dropped Lis off, just wonderful, meeting all these fabulous people! Click for a larger view

All I can say is that I am truly blessed to call ALL of these girls my friends and I know they are always here for me and I will be for them. Cheers MAC girls, you are the BEST!


{ Cup Fever }

by Lee on November 8, 2006

Well, as always, we had a blast at work for Cup Day! There is an advantage when you are working and people think you aren’t! Everyone assumes that all banks are closed on Cup Day, but regional branches aren’t. So that usually means a pretty quiet day for us. We always put on a lovely Chicken and Champagne lunch (thanks Ruthy, Shez, Nicole and Helen). It’s a great spread and we put in a measley $8 and the bank puts in a bit too. So by lunch things were pretty happy. We had a few different syndicates going and lots of bets on every race as well as 4 Sweeps. Even though I am no longer a teller the tellers included me in their own little syndicate (I love it that they still include me even though I don’t technically work with them now, but they say they miss me which is lovely). In the tellers syndicate we all put in $5 each and had various bets in the cup, a couple of Quinellas, Trifectas and Each Way bets and also a couple of Mystery Each Ways and Mystery Trifectas. Anyway WE WON!!!! On one of the mystery trifectas all our horses came in! WOOOOHOOOOO!

The Trifecta paid $1100, although we only had half a unit on so that made it $550!!!! We were so excited! I don’t mind losing on the Cup, it’s a great day either way, but to win AND have a great day is, well, just great!!! LOL

2 more sleeps!!! YAY. Nuff said ;)

Another layout done last week end. My cousin always says Bronte reminds her of Gretal (I think?) from the Sound of Music. I’ve never seen it so I don’t know, but when I do her hair like this, I think she looks like a Gretal. LOL

Anyway, background by me and the brushes are from the fabulous Jason Gaynor.

~ WORK ~
Oh man it is so busy at the moment, getting ready for a few special things we have coming up. I really really love my job and am so happy that I made the move, and even though it’s busy, I never wish I was somewhere else. Even though I only work with my boss, there are several other great people that work around me and it’s always a laugh and a good place to be! How good is that?

Well I have seen two fabulous movies in the last few weeks, I didn’t think the first one could be topped, The Departed, although these movies are poles apart in their stories. Little Miss Sunshine is basically about a dysfunctional family that go on a road trip. Many many cringe worthy moments, with family that we either know or know of. Priceless really. I saw this movie twice in two days, and while I am sure that it won’t be the same with everyone that sees it. I laughed so hard I cried, especially in the first half of the movie. The final scene of the movie had me laughing AND sobbing at the same time. At the end of the movie, I walked out, both times, smiling and just generally feeling great. If you are tempted to see it, the part I laughed at the most, was the car horn and starting the car, if you see it you’ll know what I mean. Every character was fabulous and brought something unique to the story…. just loved it.

Edited to add
I read this a little while ago in a series of books I am re-reading by Diana Gabaldon. This passage is from the first book and has stuck in my head for some reason….

“But just then, for that fraction of time, it seems as though all things are possible. You can look across the limitations of your own life and see that they are really nothing. In that moment, when time stops, it is as though you know that you could undertake any venture, complete it and come back to yourself to find the world unchanged, and everything just as you left it a moment before, and it’s as though…” he hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words.
“As though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”

Have a great night everyone! :)


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