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{ Quickie and a Tip }

by Lee on August 31, 2008

I’m alive, just busy. Not much me time at the moment. I am working on a fix for that now, so wish me luck and hang in there. I also have freebies to upload, but (there is always a but when it comes to freebies LOL) I am once again over my download limit for the month and I am once again suffering through dial up until my new month ticks over in another week. Then I will upload and post the link.

I added a 100 Things About Me page a while back, but forgot to let you all know. I see these on other blogs and really enjoy reading through them, it’s amazing what you find out about people this way. I have hit the 80 RSS subscriber mark, + 70 email subscribers too, so someone must be reading this blog, maybe you’d like to know a little more about me (or not) let me know what you think.

The lovely Gill has honoured me with an Arty Pico Award. Thanks so much Gill you are a sweetheart! I shall award mine in a future blog post, so be on the look out…

I’m not sure how I came across this video, but down the bottom is the magazine that stars my baby and my Cover Layout for Digital Scrapbooking Magazine! Must say I was pretty chuffed when I noticed it!

This video is scary…. imagine what is happening to your brain while you are on the phone…

Photoshop Tip # 9

My students particularly liked this recent PS tip, so I thought you might too…
You may know that when you hit Control T, it is the shortcut for Free Transform, but sometimes whatever you might be trying to Transform is so big that you can’t see the handles to make your changes, simply hit Control 0 (zero), this will reduce the canvas size, so you can see the Transform handles and Transform to your hearts content!
I hope you found this useful.

Feel Good…

I’m sure you’ve seen this, but it’s such a feel good clip that it deserves to be shared, watch it, and then hug someone today….


Lastly, so I am not excused of preferential blog entries, I’d like to report that at the last Puerto Rico evening, Brian won 1 and Suzy won 1, of course, if you include the handicap, Clinton has won every game since we started, (and some that we haven’t even played yet) but of course that only applies when we are playing in NEVER NEVER LAND!!!

And so I don’t disadvantage myself here, at the previous Puerto Rico evening, I won 2 and Jen won 1. And in case you’re wondering Clinton, that happened in the REAL WORLD! Where there are no Never Never Land handicaps! ;-P


{ Feedblitz on the Fritz }

by Lee on May 3, 2008

I am having a lot of trouble with my email updates at the moment, and if you are currently a subscriber you will know that you have been getting numerous emails even when there have been no updates on my blog. I have now cancelled Feedblitz, and have switched to Feedburn, which should hopefully work as it should. For those of you on my current emailing list, I will send an email on how to join, for those who wish to get an email when I update so that you don’t have to keep checking back you can subscribe now by clicking HERE, or using the box in the sidebar.


As a follow-up to the last post, here is a layout that was published in the previous issue of Digital Scrapbooking Magazine, I also have another coming out in the next issue, which is a very simple layout of my Bronte Boo, but it’s one I love, so watch out for it!

Click on the picture for a larger view…

~MAC’s with viruses, it can’t be so…

I stumbled across this little MAC virus. What? MAC’s get viruses? Apparently they do. This is the good kind and it’s so smart it works with gravity!…. Check it out at Troika and watch the video below… Judy and Angela, I was tempted to send this to you! MAC’s have all the cool stuff *sigh*

~Have you heard the news?

The current issue of For Keeps is the last one! The magazine will now incorporate cardmaking and will be called For Keeps Creative Paper, you can read all about it here. ANgela, did ask a relevant question…will they still publish Digital layouts? Hmmmm.

~Should I?

Oh I know I am insane, but I am thinking of redesigning my blog again… call me crazy…hey! That was just a figure of speech! I really want a theme with two sidebars in it, the question is, do I want to do all that coding again and have all those headaches and ridiculously late nights…. I think I’ll sleep on it, but I’d like your opinions please.

~Movie Review…

Suzy and I went and saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall yesterday and we had a great laugh, it certainly isn’t for the faint of heart, lots of full frontal nudity (although I don’t think any females can be included in this, Suzy, is that right?). Lots of funny lines and a few poignant moments too, can’t pick out too many favourite bits as I enjoyed the whole thing, but the singing in the bar scene was funny and several scenes with the sexually dysfunctional newlyweds were priceless, there was also a bit of Karma Sutra thrown in too.

~MAC dinner….

On Monday night the MAC girls had another get togather, Shez, Ruth, Angela and I drove down to Melbourne on Monday night to meet up with the lovely and talented Karen from New Zealand. She was out here having a holiday with her lovely family, we had a beautiful meal at Docklands and chatted the night away. Unfortunatley, Sharon and Judy were unable to make it this time, but Deb (Judy’s gorgeous daughter) was able to come and stand in for Judy and she also brought Corey along as well, it was great to see these love birds together. It was a long drive and Shez, Ruth and I got home close to 1.30am, so it was extremely hard to front up to work next day, but of course we all did… Photo’s are still on the camera at the moment, but I will post when I get around to downloading them.

~Quinn’s Birthday…

It was Quinn’s birthday on Sunday and she had a lovely day, she only got one little present, but don’t feel sorry for her, it was an 80gb iPod Video Classic!! She is soooo happy with it, it’s a long story but she wouldn’t usually get something so pricey, but just to see her happiness made it worth every cent. And to top it off, she is staying at a friends house tonight (Rachael’s) for a sleepover, out of the blue, about 20 minutes ago, I got a call from Rach’s Mum, she just wanted to tell me what a great kid Quinn is, that she is respectful, polite, fun to be with and an all round pleasure…. well, I couldn’t be any more proud than I am at this moment… it was lovely for Simone to call me just to say that, but even better that others see the special little girl that I do!


Almost forgot, we had another Puerto Rico night on Friday night, i won the 1st game, which brought my winning streak up to 7, Brian ended it when he won the 2nd game, and Suzy won the last…Link is still yet to win a game. (Sorry Link, just reporting the facts). We followed it up with the last episode of Lost which Suzy and Link hadn’t yet seen, and which I am glad I watched again…

Leave me some love….pretty please ;-)


{ My Big News }

by Lee on April 27, 2008

This was my big news! I got the front cover of the US Digital Scrapbooking Magazine!

I am completely chuffed as is Bronte (Quinn is slightly miffed LOL, wanted it to be a layout of her).

Thanks to everyone that emailed me or commented here with congratulations, it was great to see you as excited as I was!

Don’t forget to snaffle the freebie below.

Have a great day :-)


{ Over The Moon }

by Lee on April 25, 2008

About an email I received last night (it wasn’t saying that Mr Weuna Bweligthigi was offering to give me half of $20,000,000 US dollars if I helped him get the money out of his country)….

Can you guess why? Jen A already has! I had a lot of fun doing this but it was a lot more work involved than I had anticipated, lots of toing and froing and emails, but now I see it, it was all worth it, and given the chance I’d be in again in a flash!

EDITED TO ADD: A huge thank you to Kristarella, after reading her instructions PROPERLY, I solved the header problem… thanks so much Kristarella, you’re a gem, and I won’t bother you any more LOL


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