I am following the Thematic Photography over at Written Inc. This weeks Theme was wood and here is my take on it. Just a fence using shallow DOF.
I just love these two videos, they both use stop motion digital camera images to achieve the effect. I found them on Photojojo.
et cetera from jacattack on Vimeo.
This one I like, especially if you are travelling, I think it’s a great idea, I am also intrigued as to why most of the feet are to the right of the shot? Why do you think that is? Maybe it’s because most people look through the viewfinder with their right eye, which means the camera is moved to the left….?
looking down. from hrrrthrrr on Vimeo.
Wow this is hard, always wondering which tip is most useful!The truth is they all are!
OK, lets talk Blendmodes and another handy shortcut. I use Blendmodes ALL the time, on Photos, Digital Scrapbooking Pages, Papers, lots of different ways. The thing with Blendmodes is that the results can be unexpected and it’s not always easy to predict which blendmode will give you the effect you are after. So the easiest thing to do is to look at each blendmode. This is the easiest way to scroll through and find the blendmode that gives you the effect you are after.
* Click on the word Normal in the Blendmode box (found at the top of the Layers palette next to the Opacity Slider). This will open the dropdown menu. Now just click again. The dropdown menu will close but the word ‘Normal’ will now be highlighted (in Windows it will turn blue, I’m not sure what it does with a Mac).
* Now all you have to do is use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through each blendmode and see the the results live on your image.
I hope you find this helpful. If you do, leave a comment and let me know how you have used it.
If you want specific help, post a comment and I will endeavour to help you out :-)