OK Here are some pics taken while we were camping. As you can see Footy Fever was rampant, with at least a couple of people having a kick, most of the time. First pic on the left is Bronte, in throws of sunscreening herself! Next is Odette, Mandy and Dave’s daughter keeping Bronte company, during said sunscreening :)
Here’s Quinn and Bronte showing off their skills, with a big drop punt from Quinn and a magnificent Mark Of The Day from Bronte! Bronte is absolutely footy mad at the moment and loves to have a kick, she proved her devotion with a fairly admirable attention span while the football was on (better than mine at least). Quinn has a soccer ball and leans more towards that, but still enjoyed a kick with the gang.
This is John, behaving a little too much like the Austar guy, taking marks over his daughter and crushing her in the process. Emily was only laid up for 2 days and with some chiroprachtic care was able to overcome her injuries and should make a full recovery. She should be OK by pre season. (Just kidding, of course)! Gotta love the look on Emily’s face in that top one. Classic!
Love the smile on Quinns face in this one, so thought I’d share too. I really must get some scrapping done, I have scrappers block at the moment, and need desperately to unblock!!!
This last one is just for Judy, she was pretty excited to hear we had French Doors in our bedroom, so I took this pic, whilst in bed one day, so I could show Judy what I look at when I wake up in the mornings, you can just see the corner of Brians bedside table, the pic isn’t the best, but you get the idea. Who would think that view is a 7 minute walk to the CBD! Gotta love it!
Have a great night :)

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
Jude 10.08.06 at 9:23 pm
Blow I wrote a stack and lost it. Anyway. Looks like the perfect camping holiday everyone is so happy and carefree. We loved camping when the kids were younger and I guess we’ll do it again with the grandies. Lee I would so love a view from my boudoir like you have. We have french doors in our sunroom and when there is a storm it is so wonderful to be able to look out and feel part of it all and yet be so nice and cosy inside. It must be lovely lying in bed and feeling part of all that beautiful scenery. Lucky you.
shezann 10.09.06 at 8:24 am
Lee, those pics are wonderful, I still love the blury background so so much.
John looks like a character taking specky’s over the kids !!
That is a perfect pic of the french doors outside at home, your new home is on the PERFECT block of land, you’re very lucky !
The last photo of Quinn is divine and I can’t wait to see it scrapped ! Both your girls are beautiful dolls:)
Lis 10.09.06 at 10:02 am
Great photos Lee..and you know if Bronte needs a footy partner, the little man is always willing and ready 🙂
Love the photo through the French Doors…divine.
Angela 10.09.06 at 1:39 pm
ALL the photos are just FANTASTIC Lee, but I didn’t expect any less from you :).
Love the action shots… lol, I had a kick with Julieanne on Saturday, but as I was playing couldnt’ take any photos :(.. I suppose we all have to put the camera down at one stage :(… would have got some great shots though, lol, she’s still a little unco!
Love the shot through the french doors.. the view out our bedroom window is of the water tank! lol, the view out the kitchen is a little better, I’ll have to see if I can get a good shot at some point.
fazzbech 10.09.06 at 10:01 pm
Oh Lee, your pics are so crisp and amazing! And the colours in them are just stunning! I think it’s so cool that Quinn is so into football – she’ll have to join a girls team soon ;o)
MiYon 10.10.06 at 2:36 am
That is an awesome photo of Quinn — wow, you’re really an amazing photographer. Wish I had half of your talent!! Oooh, and I dig her hat. 🙂
jane 10.10.06 at 11:09 am
love your photos! looks like everyone had a great time and you are right! quinn has a beautiful smile! I have scrappers block at the moment so i can totally relate. Hope yours goes away soon! 🙂
Denise Docherty 10.11.06 at 11:07 am
How awesome are these photos?! You’ve captured great action shots and expressions here. And so nicely exposed. Awesome.